Saturday, 18 May 2019


Acrobatic gymnastics also is known as sports acrobatics. Acrobatic gymnastics began in the Soviet Union in the 1930s and the first world championships were held in 1974. It is a discipline where gymnasts perform together consisting of acrobatic moves, dance, and music within specific time durations. In Acrobatic Gymnastics there are three types of routine and five group categories. All routines are performed in music and take place on a 12m x 12m  floor area.
In Acrobatic gymnastics the focus is on strength, grace,  poise, Choreography, flexibility, catches. Each pair or group performs routines featuring gymnastics tumbling skills,  balances and dynamic skills with a flight. All exercises are choreographed and performed to music.


  • Balance

The balance routines consist of skills requiring static holds, poses, and pyramids. All levels of the group perform a balanced routine at competitions. Balance routines are done within two minutes and thirty seconds. And also known as Static.

  • Dynamic

The dynamic routine consists of skills that show flight, landing, demonstrating a variety of throws, catches, back and forward saults and twists. All levels of the group perform a dynamic routine at competitions. Dynamic routines are done within two minutes. And Also known as Tempo.

  • Combined

The combined routine consists of a combination of balance and dynamic elements.

More information: abouts Gymnastics

 Types of Acrobatic Gymnastics

There are five types in acrobatic gymnastics

Men's Pairs

Including one base and one top.
men's pair skill in acrobatics gymnastics

Women’s Pairs

Including one base and one top.
balance skill in acrobatics gymnastics

Mixed Pairs

Including a male base and a female top.
balance element in acrobatics gymnastics

Women's Groups/ Women’s trio

Including a base, middle, and a top.
balnce element in acrobatics gymnastics

Men's Fours/ Men’s group

Including a base, two middle and a top.
twist in acrobaics gymnastics


In acrobatic gymnastics, the score is given out of 30.00. The following are the categories in which the athletes are scored.
  • an artistic component which evaluates the athlete performance in terms of choreography, diversity, and ability to perform to the music; (scored out of 10).
  • an execution component which evaluates the deductions incurred by the athlete while performing the partner and individual skills of the routine. This is scored out of 10, but then later doubled to emphasize its importance.
  • a difficulty component which is the overall equivalent score based on the degree of difficulty and number of skills (the difficulty score is determined by the value allocated to skills according to the Code of Points).

Major Events In Acrobatic Gymnastics

  • World Championships
  • World Cup
  • The World Games 
 More at: Acrobatics Gymnastics

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